March was not a fun month. It would seem my last post of ‘all quiet on the home front’ was a bit premature. No, seriously. The very next day (at 2am the next day to be precise), we were confronted with a new problem that resulted in us purchasing and installing a new security system that same day. I won’t go into details, but let’s just say the Dad-Rage-Monster made an appearance.
So much fun. Also, it turns out that teenage girls are not sugar-spice-everything nice, but rather assholes-nightmares-everthing I want to punch.
On a lighter note, Koda and Hazel decided to help in the installation of the new doorbell cameras.
I suppose there’s an upside to the chaos. In an effort to instill discipline, work ethic, and goal setting, I’ve signed us back up for Kuk Sool Won. When I left, I was only 4 tests away from my black belt. And now I can resume that journey while providing quality dad punishment guidance.
I’ve even dedicated a corner of my office to remind me of that goal. I have a map of Korea from the Lord of Maps, I have my Dahn Bo Nim certificate framed, and I have photos of Grand Master Hyuk Suh and KJN Mike Gray. Because I like being old school like that.
In other news, my Campfire Queen and I decided to celebrate our birthdays by spending a weekend at Woodchuck Acres Cabin. We hiked to Neil Compton and Amber Falls on Saturday, and the water was flowing nicely. After the shitshow of a month that we had, it was a much needed trip.

Speaking of birthdays, turning 44 was really anticlimactic. Don’t get me wrong. With the way things have been lately, that’s a very good thing. I did get some cool gifts. My awesome wife got me a DualSense Edge Pro PS5 controller, along with an incredible hand-painted picture of Spynn. My dad made me a Captain America Tie Fighter (an epic crossover if there ever was one), and my friend Adam got me the entire Funko set of the post-credit scene from The Avengers when they’re in the diner eating Shawarma.
So cool.
Also, Koda has been studying extra hard for his permit test coming up. So to reward him for his hard work, I got him a replica set of the Blades of Chaos from Raven Forge because God of War is his favorite game. Not to mention he says I remind him of Kratos… old and grumpy with big muscles.
I missed getting a shot of the Pink Moon (the 4th full moon of the year) due to excessive cloud cover, but I did manage to get a decent one this morning that was mostly full.
Then there are the remaining furbots who are always entertaining with their shenanigans, like being jealous of each other’s beds.
Until next time, ‘ver heil ok sæl’.
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