I survived the apoc-eclipse

Not to brag, but this makes, like, the 30th end-of-the-world I’ve survived. I mean, at this point, all of the apocalypses are starting to feel like the latest round of Marvel movies — redundant and unoriginal with way too much hype.

On a serious note, my niece asked me why everyone thought the eclipse was the end of days. I’m inclined to believe that anytime a major event happens that’s outside of human control (eclipse, earthquake, tornadoes, etc), people tend to digress into end-of-days / divine judgment hysteria because there’s nothing they can do about it, and that scares the shit out of them.

Just a thought.

Alright, it’s been a minute. A lot has happened in the past few weeks. For starters, I turned 45.

Hooray for middle age.

My Campfire Queen and I spent a weekend in Eureka Springs to celebrate both our birthdays. We stayed in a cabin at the Enchanted Forest Resort, which had its own cave! Of course, we explored it… a little. After venturing in a few dozen yards, we decided to turn back, mostly because we were a little underprepared in the flashlight department.

We hit all the nerd shops on Saturday, and finally got to eat at the Grotto Grill — bonus points to me for remembering to make reservations. The food was amazing. I had the brisket sliders (wipes drool), and she had the pork chop… which was more like a pork brick in size.

The following weekend was my actual birthday. My wife got me the complete set of The Expanse books (one of my favorite Sci-fi shows). I put together the Captain America Lego set she got me for Christmas. And now I’ll be moving on to the Bonsai Lego set Sandwich Control got me for my birthday.

Not bad at all.

Also, in case you didn’t already know, there was a total solar eclipse. It was amazing! I ordered a special lens for my telescope months ago in preparation. In honor of the event, I donned my I Need Space t-shirt. I got to witness the entire event from my driveway. We were on the very edge of totality, so it was only a 99.94% eclipse for me.

Still amazing.

In other news, my kiddo has decided he wants us to have a game room. We already have a PS5, Nintendo Switch, and a Nintendo Wii. So he decided to add to that collection with a PS3 and the original Assassin’s Creed game — which coincidentally was the first video game he was exposed to. It premiered the year he was born, and I would play it with him strapped to my chest in a baby harness.

Now that’s proper parenting.

That’s it for now. Until next time, ‘ver heil ok sæl’.
ᚢᛖᚱ ᚺᛖᛁᛚ ᛟᚲ ᛊᛇᛚ