“Greatness from Small Beginnings”

That’s the Latin mantra that permeates the Uncharted video game series (one of my favorites). The main character is Nathan Drake voiced by the talented Nolan North, whom we had the pleasure of meeting at the Oklahoma Comic Con this weekend. He also voices Desmond Miles in the Assassin’s Creed series (another of my favorites).

We also got to meet Ross Marquand who plays Aaron in The Walking Dead. He also voices Immortal in Invincible, not to mention he was Red Skull in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: End Game. He was super friendly and hilarious. My kiddo and I are huge fans.

Overall, we had a blast at the Con — although we spent half the time just standing in line waiting in line to meet celebrities.

Worth it.

Afterward, we ventured over to the Dilly Diner because (1) it sounded amazing, and (2) I was getting hangry. There I had the BEST French toast I’ve had in my life — no exaggeration. And before leaving, we made sure to snag a couple of their famous cinnamon rolls. Each roll can easily feed four people, and I’m currently indulging in my quarter as I write this.


Nolan North
Ross Marquand

Shire Post Mint recently released their Mars coin. Of course, I had to have it… because space. I love the packaging and presentation with every order I get. So cool.

finally got my Grog Stongjaw and Eivor Wolfkissed YouTooz figure in to complete my Viking/Barbarian shelf space on my desk.

I’m now 8 for 8 in my goal to photograph every full moon. August will feature two supermoons. I’ve had to make compromises with previous moons due to weather. This one, however, didn’t coincide with my sleep schedule. I had to get up at 3:30 in the morning to get a nice clear shot. It’s a good thing I enjoy this…

That’s it for now. I leave you with the cuteness of the Fluffertons.

Until next time, ‘ver heil ok sæl’.
ᚢᛖᚱ ᚺᛖᛁᛚ ᛟᚲ ᛊᛇᛚ