Yuletide Carnage
Valhalla la la la, la la la la.... 'Tis the season... to be jealous of the blissful ignorance of youth, and the...
There and back again…
A tale of the dad who's done a lot of driving recently. So much driving. It's been a busy few weeks. Yesterday, the...
Curse of the Haw Creek Witch
Last week, my kiddo turned 16. We celebrated by tackling the Haunted Hotel escape room at Great Escape Mystery Rooms....
Lewin’s Equation
I recently read about Lewin's equation. It's a formula proposed by psychologist Kurt Lewin in 1936 stating that...
The Walking Dad
I've been really feeling old lately. My stiff joints plus all the broken sleep have had me ambulating around like a...
Sic Parvis Magna
"Greatness from Small Beginnings" That's the Latin mantra that permeates the Uncharted video game series (one of my...
The Way of the Old Man
Roujindo (The Way of the Old Man) 老人道 Because I'm old. But only in appearance... and general grumpiness. Mentally,...
Impedimentum Est Via
"The obstacle is the way." It's based on a quote from Marcus Aurelius. He said, "The impediment to action advances...
“Old” is in the mind…
...and also in the joints. Not to mention all the gray hair. Well, it's May. The year is almost half over, and I feel...
44 and counting
March was not a fun month. It would seem my last post of 'all quiet on the home front' was a bit premature. No,...