All quiet on the home front
The past two weeks have been strange. It's been a weird balance of extremely busy and uneventful. I'm not complaining....
You Spynn Me Right Round…
It's been a tough week. On Monday night, we said our final goodbyes to Spynn. He was born on my son's 8th birthday in...
The Countdown…
of Monte Cristo. Happy New Year. We've successfully made it to '23. Although I have to say the '22 finale was a bit...
Make it so…
T-minus one week and counting. To Christmas, that is. So far, I've had two Christmas parties that I've attended and...
Take a breath…
and try not to lose your shit. This week was a real test and testament to my Stoic practice. On Monday, the GMC...
Single-handedly saving the world
This is definitely my favorite time of year. Not because of the holidays. Oh no, I'm not a fan of groups of people....
It’s starting to feel…
a lot like awesome. Or Christmas. Both work. In preparation for the holidays, I ordered myself an ugly Christmas...