Thor: Love and Blubber
I remember the time I had six pack abs, could deadlift 400+ lbs, could do almost 100 pushups without stopping (my...
So much awesomeness…
It's been a minute. Soooo much has happened, and there's soooooo much going on that it's hard to keep up. Let's see......
Where have all the dragons gone?
I was presented with an interesting observation the other day. We live in an advanced and educated civilization. We...
The Nerd Abides
This week was chock full of deadlines, meetings, appointments, and travel. The usual. But it also carried an abundance...
This side of the shire
After another long week of deadlines, to-do's, and fix-it's, we decided to take a little family time yesterday and...
The Randomness of Life
With all the hustle and bustle of life, my initial plan for posting once a week has kinda fallen by the wayside. So...
May the fourth be with you
As mandated by the Universal Nerd Code, I'm obligated to wish you a Happy Star Wars day. I celebrated by working......
Ending a crazy week
with the breakfast of awesomeness.This week was busy. Like really busy. There was a lot of driving: 2+ hours every...
That one time I almost broke my hand…
trying to take a video with my phone.Last week, the Campfire Queen and I decided we needed some outdoor therapy. More...